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About Us


          Toyota Commonwealth, Inc. was inaugurated in June 22, 2001. As a franchise of Toyota Motor Philippines,we aim to combine the excellence of the Japanese heritage of its mother firm while harnessing the best of Filipino culture and work ethics. The company promises to combine the best of both orientations in the hope of providing the most ideal, appropriate and healthy work atmosphere for its staff.We encourage individual creativity while building an integrated team approach among our employees.

It promotes work challenges in the hope that the challenge will inspire personal growth and productivity as well that of the company where each one has a stake to protect and support.

We strive to cultivate a sense of belonging and security among our employees and their families, and protect those belonging, not only to the company but also to our community. We build bridges of trust and confidence with our customer and our communities.

Strategically the company is located at the crossroads of several booming business areas and the surrounding residential communities, the company is poised to cater to the transportation needs of the people. Strive 
to the transportation needs of the big potential market and eventually become the major supplier of the first-rate cars, top-quality automotive parts and accessories and superior allied services in the district


Our Vission

TOYOTA COMMONWEALTH, INC., as a franchise of Toyota Motor Philippines, will continuously be one of the TOP AUTOMOTIVE DEALER that aims to sustain SUPERIOR PRODUCTS and SERVICES, leading to the ultimate CUSTOMER SATISFACTION in a manner that enhance our employees and stakeholder welfare & safety while maintaining good business and environmental practices.

OUR Mission

We are COMMITTED to provide the FINEST AUTOMOTIVE products and services to the CUSTOMERS, through our DEDICATED and SKILLED TEAM MEMBERS, consistent with the highest standards of Toyota, in order to attain ABSOLUTE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. In our effort of continuous improvement, we shall implement quality measures to enhance services while ensuring that our impact to the environment adheres to Environmental Quality Systems that includes everyones’ safety in their workplace.